

The Barstow School of Kansas City, Missouri has been a KL School since 2014, when headmaster Shane Foster joined with the KL team to found Barstow branch campuses in Ningbo, China, serving hundreds of students in grades K-12. An additional campus in Ningbo (Haishu) was founded in 2015.

At the 2014 NAIS annual conference, Shane Foster co-presented a workshop with a KL Senior Director entitled “American Education Overseas: Exploring Partnership Schools in China.”


Program Type: Dual-Diploma
Campuses:2 in China
Grade Levels: K-12
Student to Teacher Ratio: 12:1
Average Class Size: 18
Average number of years of teaching: 12
  • Barstow School of Ningbo

    at Ningbo Hanvos Kent School

    Established in September 2014 in eastern coastal China, the Barstow-Ningbo campus currently employs 23 faculty serving nearly 500 students in grades 7 – 12. Students enjoy a wide array of extracurricular activities including animation, board games, cooking, debate, economics, the environment, model design, Model UN, music, origami, photography, and robotics clubs. Barstow-Ningbo students are also eligible to travel to the original Barstow campus in Kansas City, Missouri for summer academic and cultural exchange programming.

    Address:619 Yonghexi Road, Luotuo, Zhenhai, Ningbo, China 315202
    Contact:[email protected]
  • Barstow School of Ningbo Haishu

    at Ningbo Haishu Hanvos School

    Newly established in September 2015 in east central China, the Barstow-Ningbo Haishu campus currently employs 8 faculty serving 80 students in grades 1-2. The school will grow to become a full elementary campus serving students in grades 1-6. Barstow-Ningbo Haishu students will also be eligible to travel to the original Barstow campus in Kansas City, Missouri for summer academic and cultural exchange programming.

    Address:108 Guangren St. Haishu, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China, 315099
    Contact:[email protected]

    Literature and ESL Teacher, The Barstow School of Ningbo

    “I have started a reading group for the fifteen students with the lowest level of English. After the first week, there was a moment when one student needed help with remembering a word. He looked around for the usual students who could offer help and all he found were students who were also struggling. There was a lot of chattering in Chinese and finally all 15 students looked at me and said “AAAAHHHHH–CHHOOOOO!” They were unable to remember the word “sneeze” and were forced to rely only on each other. Since that moment, they have gained a lot of confidence and made huge improvements. Moments like these are what keep me in the game.”